Hartlepool Food Network Hartlepool Food Network

Cost of Living Crisis: What’s Going Up & How to Get Help

The cost of living crisis continues to hit families hard and unfortunately it is unlikely to let up any time soon. In this blog we’ll take a look at what costs are rising, and the help you may be able to access if you find yourself struggling.

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Hartlepool Food Network Hartlepool Food Network

21/22 Review: HFN Distributes £38,000 Worth of Food

Between April 2021 and March 2022, Hartlepool Food Network distributed thousands of food items that otherwise would have gone to landfill, helping vulnerable people such as asylum seekers, the homeless, and the unemployed. Here we take a closer look at what we achieved over these 12 months.

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Hartlepool Food Network Hartlepool Food Network

Cost of Living Crisis: The Impact on Mental & Physical Health

Previously we have taken a look at how the cost of living crisis disproportionately affects the most vulnerable in society. This blog carries on in the same vain by exploring the psycho-social and physical impacts people face when they are unable to afford healthy food, heating, and clothing.

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Hartlepool Food Network Hartlepool Food Network

Cost of Living Crisis Impacting Most Vulnerable in Society

As the cost of food, fuel, clothes, travel, & household bills continues to rise, the cost of living crisis sets in even further, affecting the most vulnerable in our society, according to the results of a new survey released by FareShare.

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Hartlepool Food Network Hartlepool Food Network

Rising Energy Costs: To Heat or Eat?

As has been well documented recently, household energy prices are on the rise, and it is set to have a significant and disproportionate impact on those on lower incomes.

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Hartlepool Food Network Hartlepool Food Network

Composting: Your New Year’s Resolution?

As we continue to look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint, we look to food waste for ways to do it, and we think that composting is a fantastic way of turning what might be seen as waste into a material that can help out the planet.

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Hartlepool Food Network Hartlepool Food Network

2021 Round-Up

Another topsy-turvy 12 months for us all is coming to an end and it has been as busy as ever for us here at Hartlepool Food Network.

We’d like to take the chance to thank all those involved with the network for their hard work and dedication yet again this year.

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Hartlepool Food Network Hartlepool Food Network

Waste Less this Christmas.

It’s just three weeks until Christmas and we’re busy thinking about all the food we’re going to eat before, during, and after the big day! But this year, perhaps we should all try to hold back a little bit and help our bank balance as well as the planet. Below are some top tips on how to waste less food, and maybe save some pennies, this holiday season.

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Hartlepool Food Network Hartlepool Food Network

Food waste “largely ignored” at COP26, according to FareShare.

According to charity FareShare, the issue of food waste has been “largely ignored” at the recent COP26 summit in Glasgow, despite a recent report from the Carbon Trust highlighting new data showing just how much food waste contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.

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Hartlepool Food Network Hartlepool Food Network

Our Achievements in 20/21

Between April 2020 and March 2021, Hartlepool Food Network distributed thousands of food items that otherwise would have gone to landfill, helping vulnerable people such as asylum seekers, the homeless, and the unemployed.

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Hartlepool Food Network Hartlepool Food Network

Community Initiatives Tackling Food Waste

Previously we’ve taken a look at why food waste is a problem and what can be done about it, now we take a closer look at some of the initiatives that are taking the problem into their own hands.

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Hartlepool Food Network Hartlepool Food Network

Food Poverty: The Causes and Solutions

In the UK, 1 in 3 (4.1 million) children live in poverty, with approximately 2.5 million in food insecure households. 72 percent of these children have parents that are in work.

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Hartlepool Food Network Hartlepool Food Network

Food Poverty: An Introduction

Despite being the sixth richest country in the world, the UK’s rate of food poverty is among the worst in Europe. But what does the term ‘food poverty’ actually mean?

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Hartlepool Food Network Hartlepool Food Network

School Holidays: Food Kits for Kids

With the summer holidays upon us, children eligible for free school meals need assistance again. Read about what we are doing to help.

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Hartlepool Food Network Hartlepool Food Network

Food Waste: How to waste less.

We’ve taken a look at the causes of food waste, what we can do about it, and its impact on the environment. In our latest blog we take a look at some things we can do to ensure we are wasting as little as possible.

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Hartlepool Food Network Hartlepool Food Network

Food Waste: The Impact on the Environment

Food waste has a huge impact on the environment; from global warming, wasting water and oil, to deforestation. Let’s take a look at how they’re all linked together and what we can do to help.

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Hartlepool Food Network Hartlepool Food Network

Food Waste: The causes and what we can do about it.

The problem of food waste is a huge issue that isn’t going away. It is estimated that 33-50% of food produced globally is never eaten, and it occurs at all four stages of the food supply chain. So, why does it happen and what can we do about it?

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