2021 Round-Up

Another topsy-turvy 12 months for us all is coming to an end and it has been as busy as ever for us here at Hartlepool Food Network.

We’d like to take the chance to thank all those involved with the network for their hard work and dedication yet again this year.

We could not function as we do without our incredible team of volunteers who help us to deliver food across the town, keep our premises clean and tidy, and keep on top of all of the administration, amongst everything else. We so appreciate you giving your time and fantastic efforts to keeping us going. Thank you!

A big shout out to all of our members that access our services and make sure that all of the wonderful donations find their way into the hands of people that appreciate them. You are also helping to reduce food waste and in turn giving the planet a helping hand to fight global warming (and let’s face it, it needs all the help it can get right now).

We mustn’t forget the companies that donate goods to us. Thank you for wasting less and for helping those that need a little extra.

To members of the public, schools, and community groups who donate to us; thank you for thinking of us, our members, and the individuals that benefit from your donations.

Finally, to those that help to fund our services, thank you for your continuing belief in Hartlepool Food Network and our work.

All of us at HFN wish you a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Please stay safe & well and we look forward to seeing you all in 2022.


Composting: Your New Year’s Resolution?


Waste Less this Christmas.