Waste Less this Christmas.

It’s just three weeks until Christmas and we’re busy thinking about all the food we’re going to eat before, during, and after the big day! But this year, perhaps we should all try to hold back a little bit and help our bank balance as well as the planet. Below are some top tips on how to waste less food, and maybe save some pennies, this holiday season.

Festive Fact: Did you know that during Christmas in the UK alone, we waste two million turkeys and five million Christmas puddings? Not to mention all the wasted fruit and veg (and mince pies!).

Tips to waste less food (and money):

  • Don’t buy too much, too soon. The supermarkets will be open all month long during December apart from on Bank Holidays, so you’ll have plenty of time to do your shopping. Before you go to the supermarket, consider how much fridge and freezer space you have to store everything you want to buy, otherwise you may end up with food spoiling before you get around too eating it. Also make sure to check the use by dates on the food to ensure it will last until you plan on using it.

  • Check what you already have. Make sure you have a really good look in your cupboards, fridge, and freezer before you head out to the shops. Take a photo or make a list of what you have in, and check them before you make your shopping list or place items in your trolley. A good way to make space in your fridge or cupboard is to arrange things that need using first onto a specific shelf, so you know to use them first, thus freeing up space for your Christmas shop.

  • Try to plan ahead. Think about what meals you are going to have and when. This will help you condense your shopping list to things that you really need and stop you from overbuying. If you have the time, you could even pre-make some parts of your Christmas dinner in advance and freeze (but don’t forget to get them out in time to defrost!).

  • Use all of the leftovers. If you have anything leftover or unused (let’s face it, there’s always something) then you could re-purpose them using the simple recipes on our website, or from Love Food Hate Waste, or anywhere else you can think of. We really like the look of the Turkey Tikka Masala from BBC Good Food. Another simple solution is to freeze what you can and come back to it once you’ve all recovered from eating too many mince pies!

If you do find that you have bought too much, you could also consider donating your food to the local food bank or to initiatives such as FoodCycle, there are plenty of people that will appreciate a little extra at this time of the year.


2021 Round-Up


Food waste “largely ignored” at COP26, according to FareShare.