Our Aims:
To reduce food waste and alleviate food poverty.
To share learning on how to store, prepare and cook food, enabling residents to make informed shopping choices.
To help residents access useful services that can help them save money.
To offer a social opportunity, tackling isolation, a chance to make friends, volunteer and improve community relationships.
What We Do/Our Activities:
Food Collection/Food Waste
Our volunteers collect surplus food from supermarkets and store the food safely, extending its life and ensuring it does not go to waste.
Members of our network are alerted to the availability of food when it arrives so that they can collect it and share it among their own service users.
Food & Fuel Fairs.
We organise food and fuel fairs to engage with our local community to educate and share ideas about eating healthily on a budget.
‘Grow Your Own’ Project
We supply vegetable kits to get people growing their own veggies at home!
We are also hoping to secure an allotment in the near future so that the group can grow its own food and distribute it to our network.